I’m getting Punkbuster related errors.  How do I fix this?


Without specific details there are a few common things you can check to get your Call of Duty Punkbuster problems sorted out:

  1. IS PUNKBUSTER TURNED ON IN GAME? - check the multiplayer options menu and make sure Punkbuster is enabled.  Hey, it happens...


  2. MANUALLY UPDATE PUNKBUSTER - Sometimes Punkbuster does not update automagically like it is supposed to.  The simple fix for this is to install PBSETUP and update manually.  This I’ve found solves most problems.

  3. CHECK TO ENSURE PORT IS OPEN - It’s not common but possible that some internet security software is blocking transmission on the port that Punkbuster needs to communicate with the master server (UDP 24349).  If a manual update doesn’t help, check to make sure this port is open and see if that resolves the issue.  More details and general network help can be found here.

  4. CHECK EVENBALANCE FOR MORE SPECIFIC HELP - More information that may resolve your problem might be found here.